Thursday, 16 April 2015

Developing Affinity with Herbalism

Brief introduction to Herbalism
Utilization of plants as medicine is not a new concept rather it has its root in ancient past when people have been depending upon it largely. Herbs are natural means to treat health conditions and nearly the entire living being is depending upon herbs and herbal remedies for treating ailment and may be for that reason carnivorous animal also consumes plants when they feel some kind of sickness.
So here comes the vital role of Herbalism and the wide utilization of botanical extracts to stimulate and restore, body’s natural healing capacity is not a new custom. Herbalism is addressed with varying names like Phytotherapy, Herbology Medicine and Botanical Medicine. However, applying trial and error method, it has been found out that not all plants are beneficial for health. Although, few are known for generating remarkable results but few are out and toxic. Some cause changes in internal system, which results in increased perspiration, frequent urination, and hallucination and varying other side effects.

Herbalism as an alternative medicine
Now herbs help in primarily three areas: stimulating sleep, perking up digestion and elimination. Herbalism today is providing solutions as an alternative medicine to prevent illness and varying health conditions. For centuries around, herbs is known for having magical power to source alternative health solutions and curative medication. Even today, our present decade is also witnessing varying health benefits that plants are known for providing. World Health Organization, in its report exposed that even today, nearly 85% of total population is depending upon herbal solutions to treat their ailment. Herbology medicines are consumed all across the world at half of the price of contemporary pharmaceuticals.  Herbal remedies are not unfamiliar and even today, in developed countries like Europe; they are sold next to prescription medicines. 

The fact is not unknown that conventional Chinese medicine was widely depednet upon utilizing herbology and today the World Health Organization for universal use and to meet health care needs of the 21st century, promulgates the utilization of herbal medicine, quite largely.

Herbs that are commonly used as medicine

  1. Aloe vera: Aloe vera is used in gel formation and is good for treating sunburns, moisturizing, psoriasis and minor cuts and burns. Massaging an area with this gel are beneficial as it reinforces blood circulation and its emollient properties are known to keep the skin hydrated all through. The gel is effective in cleaning the dead skin cells and also good for all year round.
  1. Peppermint: this herb is used for treating liver problems like acidity, gas and other indigestion symptoms. Additional to this, it is also used for treating mucus and congestion and its menthol alleviates pain with its antispasmodic effect. Peppermint is known for enhancing bile flow but they are not good for toddlers or babies.
  2. Ginseng: this is one all-inclusive, cure all solution which has been used for ages and this herbal solution is basically used to treat fatigue and exhaustion. Applied as aphrodisiac, this beneficial herbal solution is known to enhance the tenacity of muscle also transforming fatty acid into energy however overdose of this substance can cause kidney failure. 
  3. Licorice: this herbal solution is known for curing canker sores, heat burn, fever, cough, cold and blisters, ulcers and cold congestions. Today this herbal substance is consumed for its steroid like effect; however, taking high dose may heighten blood pressure and during pregnancy if consumed, may cause fetus miscarriage.
  4. Chamomile: basically a flowering plant is known to be consumed as tea and known to have the effect of gentle sedatives and relaxant. The botanical properties available in this plant help in curing indigestion and fever and its anti-inflammatory component offers powerful solution to treat allergic reactions.

Like many other therapeutic solutions herbalism is not without disadvantage and while enumerating some of them, few point come to surface. There are few botanical solutions, which are known to render detrimental effects upon consumption such as nightshade or hemlock, so one must know the advantage and disadvantages of using such herbal measures. Herbalism does not provide immediate relief so if one thinks that consuming in overdose will heal the problem from the root and that is too at immediate effect; definitely it will be a serious mistake to be made. All herbal solutions come with possible risks and dangers and before consumption, all its aspects should be clarified properly. Lastly, consumers sometimes run the risk of taking inferior quality herbs, which play detrimental upon health so it’s better to be alert while procuring the drug.

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